General Contractors Association of Hawaii Unveils a New Logo
General Contractors Association of Hawaii Positioned for the Future; Refreshes Logo to Reflect the Construction Industry’s Role in the State’s Economic Recovery
Honolulu, Hawaii (March 1, 2022) — The General Contractors Association of Hawaii (GCA), whose membership consists of more than 500 general contractors, subcontractors and other construction-related firms throughout the state, has developed a new logo to reflect the organization’s critical role as the leading authority and trusted resource of the construction industry.
“Over the past two years, the pandemic presented new challenges for Hawaii’s construction industry, but our members were able to rapidly adapt to the changing environment,” said Cheryl Walthall, GCA’s executive director. “We continued to operate safely as an essential service, continued to build Hawaii responsibly, and literally strengthened the foundation of our community and our local economy. We believe construction will continue to be one of the pillars to support Hawaii’s economic recovery.”
Throughout 2020, the first year of the pandemic, the GCA board of directors invested a substantial amount of time to develop a three-year strategic plan to define the future of the construction industry and ensure the GCA and the industry remain resilient and able thrive even during times of economic crisis and change. That plan for 2021 to 2023, included a brand refresh.
“We wanted a new logo to reflect our renewed commitment to being the go-to resource for our members to flourish,”
- Barry Tokuhama, GCA’s marketing and communications director.
“We wanted a new logo to reflect our renewed commitment to being the go-to resource for our members to flourish,” said Barry Tokuhama, GCA’s marketing and communications director.
“We also wanted our logo to represent a strong, unified voice for the industry and to be a relevant organization for the next generation of construction leaders.”
The GCA tapped Warren Daubert, founder and designer of Daubert Design Co., to redesign the organization’s nearly 80-year-old logo and give the GCA a fresh, contemporary look.
“It was an energizing collaboration that began with a discovery process to explore the GCA’s personality and core strengths,” said Daubert, who has nearly 20 years of experience with helping local organizations create compelling brands and visual images that capture their unique stories while also being visually appealing and memorable.
The GCA’s brand attributes include being trustworthy, progressive, community-minded and resourceful. Daubert recommended strong, solid forms and shapes to convey trustworthiness and that the logo have a sense of movement and energy to demonstrate the GCA’s commitment to being progressive. He also wanted the logo to convey Hawaii’s distinctive sense of place with a judicious approach to design to avoid superfluous elements to showcase the GCA’s community-mindedness and resourcefulness.
The result? Daubert took elements from the GCA’s original monogram logo and created a more dynamic look with a strong directional feel. The letter A in the logo resembles the sail of a voyaging canoe. The analogy is fitting as the GCA charts a new course into the future, well positioned and prepared for what’s on the horizon, guided by its values of integrity, responsibility and excellence.

“The GCA officers and board of directors were pleased with the new look and we thought Warren did an excellent job of capturing our thoughts and aspirations,” Walthall said. “The new looks reflects how we’ve evolved over the years and where we’re heading. It makes a stronger, bolder statement about who we are today.”
Tokuhama said the new logo is being incorporated into the GCA’s refreshed website and will be used in print ads, stationery and other marketing communication materials.